Man Caught On Camera Trying To Rob A Bank With A Watermelon

Man Caught On Camera Trying To Rob A Bank With A Watermelon.

Something really strange happened at the First National Bank in Nairobi, Kenya. A guy tried to rob the bank using a watermelon, and it left everyone scratching their heads. The person who did this is still unknown, and it's making headlines as one of the weirdest bank robbery attempts in recent times.

The Weird Incident

This person walked into the bank, wearing a black hoodie and sunglasses, and went up to the bank teller. Now, instead of using a gun or something you'd expect in a robbery, he put a watermelon on the counter and asked for all the money in the cash drawer.

Naturally, the bank teller was very confused. She asked him why he was doing this, and he just repeated his demand. When she didn't give in, he picked up the watermelon and acted like he was going to use it as a weapon.


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